Careers Toolkit is an online resource that supports the career development of RMIT students and recent graduates.

The Art Portal is an interactive online space for students, alumni and the arts industry designed to  help build a professional profile, expand skills and knowledge and connect with art networks and industry.  The site combines freely available tag driven posts with authenticated multi-level online courses.

Filming of laboratory practical demonstrations of acupuncture techniques and acupoints, and interactive presentations of meridians. The final resources were made available to students via a website.

Development of a website and video for student led peer learning in Art and Design schools. The website supports an approach to peer learning that is based around student-directed peer learning groups. This resource provides an entry point into the university …

Redevelopment of existing Learning Lab resource to reflect new study areas, online tutorials, interactive learning activities. Involved a complex site architecture (4 levels of information) with over 1000 pages and 6 distinct learning activity types…